Podcast Graphic Generator


The Podcast Graphic Generator is a Figma template that allows you to automatically generate graphics for all social media formats for your show(s).

If you're a podcaster that's tired of reformatting your graphics or a producer looking for an easier way to generate templates for your client's shows, you've found the perfect tool.

I love it. This is a great idea!

Blake Emal
CMO, copy.ai

Securing your order today will see you...

Fill your social media calendar

Content calendar looking a bit empty?

Not any longer - with the graphic generator tool, you'll get 24 professional images to share every episode.

Streamline your todo list

So much goes into publishing a podcast. 

This generator will reduce your task list and give you a system you can outsource.

Increase your podcast's visibility

Looking to increase your podcast's reach? Be seen by your network with these easy-to-share graphics.

Save countless hours

No more messing around in Canva or photoshop! With this template you'll be producing amazing results in no time.

Jeremy Enns
Counterweight Creative

"So glad you made this Jonathan! Ever since you first ran the idea by me was wanting to figure out how to recreate something for myself, but yours is so much better than anything I could come up with in Figma!"

Let's get signed-up...

Podcast Graphic Generator$49

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Secure 20% off our typical customization package. Only $99 $79 when added to your order.

Add this option if you'd like to fill in a form so that we can customize the template for you.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xPodcast Graphic Generator$49

All prices in USD

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